понеділок, 11 жовтня 2010 р.

10 Core Rules of Netiquette (continuation)

Last week I started my blog with the top 5 most important netiquette rules. This week I would like to continue this list by giving some more tips. As a result we will get the list of 10 core rules of netiquette. So here are they:
6. Be Yourself: Sometimes people do the things online they would never do in reality. Be ethical and don't break the law. Adhere the behaviour you would use in real life.
7. Tell the Truth in Your Profiles: This will create the best experience. You know the line honesty is the best policy.
8. Be Brief Online: A lot of people are busy. That is why it is important to keep messages short. Don't include more information than you need to include to get your point across. The reader will not only appreciate the brevity of the message, it will save the author’s valuable time typing the message. Remember, keep it short and be brief!
9. Obey Copyright Laws: There are millions of wonderful things online, everyone can find information on just about any topic! However, these things have copyrights and licenses. Copying the works of someone else without permission or saying it is your own will not only ruin your online reputation, but could land you with hefty fines and lawsuits! So better respect others' copyrights!
10. Pay Attention to Language Issues: Improper, inappropriate or bad language may get a participant kicked out or permanently banned from a forum or group. It is also important to remember people from other countries may be participating in the conversation and language barriers may be an issue.
This list of 10 Best Rules of Netiquette will help not only you but others have a much more enjoyable online experience.  

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